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Non-Stop live channels

Players or Restreaming servers frequently face with network problems including unstable connection, lag connection and frequent disconnections. Ezserver can get rid of all these issues and provide a seamless connection by "Delay TV" as below setting:

Delay TV channel is to save live stream from source URL into server local storage. When a player wants to play it, Ezserer restreams its videos from server local storage to the player. 

When the source link is suddenly down or has unstable network, ezserver can use delay way to let clients watch NON-STOP channels. There are some conditions as below:

  • the source link is down for 3~5 seconds, you can set channel type to "delay 1 min",

  • the source link is down for 3~5 min, you can set channel type to "delay 30 min",

  • the source link is down for 1 hour, you can set channel type to "delay 6 hrs",



1 .Click Channel button and set Type to Delay x sec., min., hr, then click Save button.

2. The storage size of per channel depends on video bitrate and delay time. For example, 

  • Channel video bitrate is 1Mbps and delay time is 1 hour, the storage size needs 450M bytes.

  • For 100 channels with 1Mbps bitrate and 1-hour delay time, the storage size needs 45G bytes.

  • Use HLS link as to play channels.

3. Delay TV also supports encrypted function to encrypt live channel to local storage..

  • Click Channel Button and Click More icon

  • Select HLS option to AES-128 Encryption (internal transcoder)